- 2. Im moving to a different country
- 4. funny and always talking in 4th period
- 7. i sit next to a baseball player and we argue
- 9. I hit the jackpot
- 10. Loves country music
- 11. Steelers #1 fan
- 14. An awesome drawer in 4th period
- 15. The best baseball player in the whole school
- 17. My first year having you and i loved it
- 18. Very very white
- 20. i don't talk much
- 21. tallest student in 7th period
- 23. Rude in 7th Period
- 24. short and sits next you in 4th period
- 1. short and loud in 7th period
- 3. Had you for 3 years in the same period 7th
- 5. everybody calls me Fernando
- 6. athletic #22
- 8. i alway have my shirt untucked
- 12. Im creative and have many different hair styles
- 13. makes weird noises
- 16. a biker
- 17. Favorite color is Seren
- 19. short in 7th period
- 22. your favorite student in 7th period