beth is leaving boohoo

  1. 3. beth shadowed her
  2. 4. a sound the audience makes when disappointed/sad at a performance
  3. 5. bought her donuts today
  4. 7. her son misses us!
  5. 10. her next door neighbor
  6. 11. um mascot
  7. 13. where beth is leaving from
  8. 14. got us all pastelitos
  9. 15. clara likes to make these
  10. 16. worked with beth in another job
  11. 17. steven's PUT IT ON SILENT
  1. 1. front door neighbor
  2. 2. oops forgot we have this meeting today
  3. 6. a big huge swamp uh i mean state
  4. 8. apex predator in the everglades
  5. 9. nickname she hates
  6. 12. we love to post these on teams
  7. 15. this where beth is leaving us