
  1. 3. When a female choses a male to reproduce with
  2. 4. slow amount of change over a period of time
  3. 9. all genes combined present in a reproducing population of species
  4. 10. occurs during migration
  5. 11. a group of organisms that can reproduce with another in nature
  6. 12. the study of the embryonic development of organism
  7. 14. the study of the structure of organisms
  8. 16. species living together in a particular place
  9. 18. preserved remain of any once living prehistoric thing
  10. 19. biological change that makes descendents differ from their ancestors
  11. 20. when unrelated species evolve to have similar characteristics because of living in similar environments
  12. 21. the study of the chemical process in organisms
  13. 22. a feature that allows an organism to better survive in its environment
  14. 24. when bursts of change occur and followed by a period of stability
  15. 25. the elimination of a species
  16. 26. two organisms changing due to each other forming a specialized relationship
  1. 1. structure with little to no function to the organism
  2. 2. similar characteristics from common ancestry, including same structure but different function
  3. 5. when some organisms survive and reproducing causing changes in population
  4. 6. the study of prehistoric life
  5. 7. when a catastrophic event causes a sudden change in the environment
  6. 8. due to similar environments evolved similar functions but different structures
  7. 13. occurs at a slow rate due to climate changes and natural disasters
  8. 15. where living things are located
  9. 17. new species forming by evolution of pre-existing species
  10. 23. a random change in a cell