Better Speech & Hearing Month

  1. 4. deglutition
  2. 5. single dose of food or liquid
  3. 8. an access modality
  4. 12. lexicon
  5. 13. interacting with others
  6. 14. another access modality
  7. 15. back and forth turn taking
  8. 16. providing nourishment
  9. 17. the science of hearing
  10. 18. What the C in AAC stands for
  11. 19. the formation of speech sounds
  12. 21. Augmentative and Alternative Communication
  13. 22. what we need from our communication partners
  14. 24. Modified ____ Swallow study
  15. 25. one of the coolest therapies at HMS
  1. 1. maroon or brown
  2. 2. an upside down e
  3. 3. blending food to make it smooth
  4. 4. our social language hero
  5. 6. like a T12, I15, VMAX, ACCENT, MAESTRO
  6. 7. Mean Length of ______
  7. 9. the other name for a cut out cup
  8. 10. something we do with our "whole body"
  9. 11. symbol
  10. 12. the air passing through moving vocal folds
  11. 20. lingo
  12. 23. hit the ______