BFDI Crossword

  1. 2. Season 4's name abbreviated.
  2. 6. Where the contestants go when they are eliminated.
  3. 7. Season 5's name abbreviated.
  4. 10. The season 4 host's home. Two words.
  5. 11. The host of season 5.
  6. 12. The number of people post-split in season 4.
  7. 13. The hosts of season 4. (_____ and _____)
  8. 14. Season 3's name abbreviated.
  9. 18. Season 1's name unabbreviated.
  1. 1. The number of people in season 2.
  2. 3. Season 4's name unabbreviated.
  3. 4. Season 5's name unabbreviated.
  4. 5. Season 2's name unabbreviated.
  5. 8. Season 3's name unabbreviated.
  6. 9. The host of season 1.
  7. 15. The number of people in season 1.
  8. 16. The number of people in the elimination place in season 3.
  9. 17. Season 1's name abbreviated.
  10. 18. Season 2's name abbreviated.
  11. 19. The host of season 2.