BGCA Critical Incident Reporting

  1. 2. Any instance or allegation of child ______, including physical, emotional, or sexual abuse (Club-related or not) against any child by a current employee, volunteer, or another youth
  2. 6. BGCNCG shall immediately report any allegation of abuse or potential criminal matter to local law enforcement
  3. 7. Any misappropriation of organizational funds in the amount of $10,000 or greater, or any amount of ______ funds
  4. 8. Any known or suspected ______ criminal act committed at a Club site or Club-sponsored activity
  5. 9. Negative ______ attention that could compromise the reputation of BGCNCG or the BGCA brand
  1. 1. Any major ______ emergency involving a child, staff member, or volunteer at a Club site or during a Club-sponsored activity
  2. 3. Any child who might have been ______ or reported missing from a Club site or Club-sponsored activity
  3. 4. Any criminal or civil ______ action involving the organization, its employees, or volunteers
  4. 5. BGCNCG shall report critical incidents to BGCA within 24
  5. 10. Any other ______ deemed critical by BGCA