Bianca's Baby Shower

  1. 2. Favorite food craving during this pregnancy.
  2. 3. When is the baby due.
  3. 6. What was the first thing Bianca went out and bought for the baby.
  4. 9. What does Bianca like least about being pregnant.
  5. 10. How many times a day does Bianca have to pee, on average.
  6. 11. How many years have Jules and Bianca been together.
  7. 12. What does Bianca like best about being pregnant.
  8. 13. What's the baby's Zodiac sign going to be
  1. 1. Where was Bianca born?
  2. 4. How many kids does Bianca eventually want to have.
  3. 5. Where did Jules and Bianca meet.
  4. 7. How long were Jules and Bianca together before they conceived.
  5. 8. What hospital is Bianca going to deliver at.