
  1. 5. how many books are in the bible
  2. 7. blessed are the poor in ______
  3. 8. thy shall not _____
  4. 10. blessed are those who are __________
  5. 11. what was jesus' crown made of
  6. 12. blessed are those who _____
  7. 13. who is the person who made the boat
  8. 14. where was jesus born
  9. 17. blessed are those who ______
  10. 18. blessed are the ___________
  1. 1. you shall not ____
  2. 2. thy shall not take the lords name in ____
  3. 3. honour your mother and ______
  4. 4. the son of god is _____
  5. 6. blessed are the ________
  6. 7. remember the _______ day and keep it holy
  7. 9. shall have no other ___ before me
  8. 12. honour your ______ and father
  9. 15. who did God give the Commandments to.
  10. 16. _______ are the meek.