- 2. plagues
- 5. when the Israelites complain about having no meat God sent them this to eat
- 8. plagues
- 9. on what day was May not provided
- 10. name of Aaron sister
- 15. in the wilderness what led Israelites by day?
- 16. what happened to Jesus three days after he died.
- 19. the land where Moses was a shepherd
- 20. the section of Egypt were gods people lived
- 21. plagues
- 22. what were the Israelites to put on their door post on the night of Passover?
- 23. the name of the sea that God parted
- 1. what was wrong with the water in MARAH
- 3. the mountain where the 10 Commandments were given
- 4. said I am that I am
- 6. father of Moses
- 7. who went partway up Mount Sinai was Moses I’m
- 11. the place where God provided water from a rock
- 12. what title did Aaron make for the people to worship
- 13. who were the first man and woman in the world
- 14. who died on the cross
- 17. first people who fight against Israel
- 18. name of Moses father-in-law