- 3. mountain
- 8. paul
- 11. christ
- 12. righteous
- 14. tribe
- 15. teacher
- 16. sacrificed
- 18. sacrificed
- 20. road
- 23. strong
- 25. rule love god
- 26. weight
- 28. angel of death
- 30. flood
- 32. place
- 37. amor three
- 39. wisedom
- 41. downfall
- 42. sheeps
- 44. father
- 47. special
- 48. steady
- 50. beginning
- 51. stand firm
- 52. helper
- 53. leader
- 58. tall
- 61. chosen
- 65. ruth's husband
- 67. oldest
- 68. woman
- 69. songss
- 70. realived
- 74. six wings
- 75. building old
- 76. martyred
- 78. eagle
- 80. afterlife
- 84. building
- 86. source of light
- 87. i want
- 93. amor one
- 94. canaan
- 95. strength
- 96. camel
- 97. animal two
- 98. priests
- 99. false god
- 100. father two
- 102. life
- 106. box
- 107. spirit
- 112. solomoned
- 113. no food
- 114. first man
- 115. church top
- 117. promised land
- 118. length
- 120. second
- 122. dirt
- 123. second king
- 125. stronk
- 127. longest
- 128. live good
- 129. lions
- 130. amor six
- 1. trust
- 2. follower
- 3. gospel
- 4. queen
- 5. old building
- 6. leader one
- 7. armor full
- 9. songs
- 10. first king
- 13. amor two
- 17. proverbs
- 19. i know
- 21. saved
- 22. good news
- 24. amor five
- 27. kingdom
- 29. blessings
- 31. wisedomss
- 33. anger
- 34. cloud and fire
- 35. end
- 36. whale
- 38. forever
- 40. city
- 43. lift
- 45. no eat
- 46. story
- 49. rules
- 54. place of worship
- 55. mother
- 56. love joy peace
- 57. amor four
- 59. free
- 60. short
- 62. instrument
- 63. bastist
- 64. sheep group
- 66. youngest
- 71. great walls
- 72. universe
- 73. animal
- 77. to God
- 79. un-unalive
- 81. satan
- 82. om nom
- 83. the helper
- 85. bridge
- 88. city nice
- 89. short ranged
- 90. end
- 91. brave
- 92. know
- 101. prphecy
- 103. giant
- 104. birth
- 105. sanc
- 108. egypt
- 109. jerubbaal
- 110. three in one
- 111. colourful
- 116. elisha
- 119. book
- 121. midranged
- 124. apostle
- 126. garden