
  1. 2. spiritually not rich
  2. 5. wolf
  3. 6. and the door be opened
  4. 8. not eating
  5. 12. making peace
  6. 14. Christ
  7. 15. is the gate
  8. 18. money/riches
  9. 19. __ of the world
  10. 21. on a hill
  1. 1. in sheep's clothes
  2. 2. closing your eyes & bowing
  3. 3. not that ye be judged
  4. 4. Matthew 5:1-12
  5. 7. under a bushel
  6. 9. gold
  7. 10. basket
  8. 11. 10 commandments
  9. 13. and shall be given
  10. 16. hunger &
  11. 17. ___ of the earth
  12. 20. on a rock