Bible books

  1. 1. Haman's plot against the Jews
  2. 6. "servant of Jesus", brother of James
  3. 9. Israelites in Egypt
  4. 10. the son higher than all the angels
  5. 12. young hero taken to Babylon
  6. 13. written by Paul during imprisonment
  7. 15. reign of Josiah
  8. 16. composed by an anonymous writer shortly before Nehemiah's arrival in Jerusalem
  9. 19. the return of Exile
  10. 21. Jerusalem abandoned and disgrace
  11. 24. the preeminence of Christ
  12. 25. unity of the church in Christ
  13. 28. prayer of the Exiles
  14. 30. historical review and exhortation
  15. 32. songs of God
  16. 34. judgement of the nations
  17. 36. necessity of conversion
  18. 38. the start of the earth
  1. 2. call of the prophet
  2. 3. received the word of The Lord in the 2nd year of Darius
  3. 4. articles in the days of Josiah
  4. 5. the reward of justice
  5. 7. conquest of Canaan
  6. 8. peril of the Jews
  7. 10. the prophet's marriage and its lesson
  8. 11. Son if Eleazar
  9. 13. progress of the gospel
  10. 14. loyalty to the Gospel
  11. 17. Qoheleth's investigation of life
  12. 18. ritual sacrifices
  13. 20. the value of Wisdom
  14. 22. pastoral charge
  15. 23. prevailing theme is the day of The Lord
  16. 26. ore preparation for the departure from Sinai
  17. 27. Old Testament prophet
  18. 29. the return to Bethlehem
  19. 31. the end of the earth
  20. 33. suffering of the innocent
  21. 35. Palestine after the death of Josh
  22. 37. slave but not apostle