- 2. there are ____ gospels
- 4. when we use bible passages to pray
- 6. Luke wrote his gospel in _______
- 8. when the Holy Spirit is within you
- 10. when in the New Testament there was a reference to the Old Testament
- 12. Letters (like the ones from St. Paul)
- 14. ____ was a jewish disciple
- 15. Mark's audience were _______
- 18. a prayer type where we recite a memorized prayer (like the Our Father)
- 19. Luke's gospel shows Jesus helping the poor and _____
- 20. mostly written by David
- 21. when we meditate we are _____ and we reflect
- 1. when we share our thoughts with God when praying
- 3. asking for forgiveness
- 5. In Matthew's gospel Jesus is portrayed as a fulfillment of all of God's _______
- 7. ____'s gospel was written during A.D. 70-90
- 9. Mark's gospel was written in ____
- 11. song of praise
- 13. a literary form that teaches a lesson through a story
- 16. is when we pray and give God thanks
- 17. the gospel of ____ shows the importance of women