Bible Crossword

  1. 5. To confess your sin, turn away from it and not do it anymore
  2. 8. He became king when he was 8 years old and found the book of the Law of God while cleaning out the temple
  3. 10. Micah prophesied that the ruler and savior of Israel would be born in this city
  4. 12. The last book of the Old Testament
  5. 15. Elijah challenged the prophets of this false "god" on Mt Carmel
  6. 17. Hosea was married to this woman who was a prostitute
  7. 19. David was described as a man after God's own ________________
  1. 1. To show, honor, enjoy yourself as the most valuable or most important
  2. 2. Giving someone what they don't deserve or have not earned
  3. 3. This 6 winged being touched Isaiah's lips with a coal to take his sins away
  4. 4. The person who delights in God's word and meditates on it is described as being like this object in nature planted by streams of water
  5. 6. This prophet told Ninevah they would be destroyed in 40 days then got upset when they repented
  6. 7. My favorite verse "Trust in the Lord with all your heart" is found in this book of the Bible
  7. 9. Micah 6:8 tells us that God wants us to walk ________________ with him
  8. 11. This man had leprosy and was told by Elisha to dip in the Jordan river 7 times in order to be cleansed
  9. 13. This prophet questioned God allowing wickedness to go on in Judah and God's decision to use Babylon to destroy Judah
  10. 14. Joshua said "As for me and my ____________ we will serve the Lord"
  11. 16. This nation destroyed the northern kingdom of Israel
  12. 18. The sequel to Jonah that tells of Ninevah's impending destruction