Bible Crossword :) (no spaces)

  1. 7. Worship could be/should be __________ __ __.(fill in blanks; three words)
  2. 10. Who worships?
  3. 11. According to Exodus 20:4-5 you can't worship what?
  4. 12. What does it mean to worship in old english?(two words)
  5. 13. It states in Romans 1:25 that you shouldn't worship what?
  6. 16. We all have a ___ shaped hole.
  1. 1. What does worship mean in hebrew?(two words)
  2. 2. According to John 4:4-24 you should worship in spirit and what?
  3. 3. Worship is a _________.( fill in blank)
  4. 4. To worship properly we must know the _______ ___.(fill in blanks; two words)
  5. 5. Worship is now _________ __ _____. (fill in blanks; three words)
  6. 6. What verse(s) tell what worship is not?
  7. 8. In modern english worship means intense love or __________ of any kind.
  8. 9. According to Luke 11:27-28 you can't worship what other thing?
  9. 14. It is possible to worship the wrong god in the right way just as it is possible to worship the wrong way to the_____ ___.(two words)
  10. 15. Colossians 2:18 states that you may not worship ______.(fill in blank)