Bible Facts

  1. 2. Who printed first Bible?
  2. 3. This word is mentioned 365 times in the Bible
  3. 4. Minor Prophet book
  4. 5. Oldest book in Bible
  5. 9. 613 laws in it
  6. 10. Your cousin's name
  7. 11. Most Authors were (blank)
  8. 13. Book named after a woman
  9. 14. Contains longest chapter in Bible
  1. 1. Longest book of Bible
  2. 5. Second to last book in Bible
  3. 6. Most sold book every year
  4. 7. A History book
  5. 8. How many Gospels?
  6. 9. We know it as Ten Commandments
  7. 12. Name one History book