Bible Jumble (Song of Solomon)

  1. 3. I have put off my taco; how shall I put it on?
  2. 4. All hidless of mighty men.
  3. 6. Who is she that looketh forth as the giomrnn?
  4. 8. Thine head upon thee is like lacrem.
  5. 9. As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the hatersdug.
  6. 10. The king hath brought me into his brecsham.
  7. 12. Thy hette are like a flock of sheep that are even shorn.
  8. 13. The netiwr is past, the rain is over and gone.
  9. 14. And the hair of thine head like epplru.
  10. 15. The king is held in the allrisege.
  1. 1. The msabe of our house are cedar.
  2. 2. Go thy way forth by the seftstpoo of the flock.
  3. 3. The onionscamp hearken to thy voice.
  4. 5. The mhnewcat that go about the city found me.
  5. 7. A fountain of segnard.
  6. 11. A lebdnu of myrrh is my wellbeloved unto me.