Bible Knowledge

  1. 1. Who was the coat of many colors given to?
  2. 4. Whose image were you created in?
  3. 7. How many days and nights did Jesus fast?
  4. 9. Who wrote the book of Revelation?
  5. 10. What is the last book in bible?
  6. 11. The first book of the bible?
  7. 13. Who built the ark?
  8. 15. Where was Jesus crucified?
  1. 2. Book that lesson came from last week?
  2. 3. I have ___ inside of me to guide me
  3. 5. What did God create on the second day?
  4. 6. Who baptized Jesus?
  5. 8. How many times did Peter dent Jesus?
  6. 9. Who betrayed Jesus?
  7. 12. Where did Jesus grow up?
  8. 14. Who killed their brother in bible?
  9. 16. Who were the 10 Commandments given to?