- 3. The southern kingdom called Judah was comprised of _________ tribes
- 4. After Solomon's reign, the nation of Israel was divided into two kingdoms called Judah and ______________
- 7. Just before Elijah was taken to heaven, Elisha requested a double portion of his _______________
- 9. Elijah was so _______________ he asked the Lord to take his life.
- 11. The prophets God raised up to be His spokesmen
- 1. The northern kingdom had a total of ____________ kings, all of them evil and ungodly
- 2. one who proclaims God's Word with forcefulness
- 5. The major characteristic of God that Elisha's miracles demonstrated
- 6. Man of of great kindness
- 8. The major characteristic of God that Elijah's miracles demonstrated
- 10. Man of great courage