Bible Lesson 23 Test Review

  1. 3. The southern kingdom called Judah was comprised of _________ tribes
  2. 4. After Solomon's reign, the nation of Israel was divided into two kingdoms called Judah and ______________
  3. 7. Just before Elijah was taken to heaven, Elisha requested a double portion of his _______________
  4. 9. Elijah was so _______________ he asked the Lord to take his life.
  5. 11. The prophets God raised up to be His spokesmen
  1. 1. The northern kingdom had a total of ____________ kings, all of them evil and ungodly
  2. 2. one who proclaims God's Word with forcefulness
  3. 5. The major characteristic of God that Elisha's miracles demonstrated
  4. 6. Man of of great kindness
  5. 8. The major characteristic of God that Elijah's miracles demonstrated
  6. 10. Man of great courage