- 1. the man who was loved by many
- 4. Solomon- David slated Goliath; Solomon asked God for wisdom to judge his people wisely
- 7. wife of Isaac; at the well when the servants came by
- 9. and merium- brother and sister of Moses
- 10. she was a widow; she married a rich man by laying at his feet
- 13. Rachel was Jacobs wife after 14 years of working and Jacob was the son of Isaac
- 15. he apointed Saul as King; sacrificed to the lord
- 18. swallowed by a whale and got out after 3 days and preached about God
- 20. freed his people; adopted don of the Pharoahs daughter
- 21. helped heal leprosy
- 22. one of the greatest prophets of the Bible
- 1. saved the Jews by cutting off someone’s head through God
- 2. married the king; she was a servant; she fought malaki
- 3. Isaac’s son; sold into slavery in Egypt
- 5. married to Rebekah
- 6. had an ark filled with animals
- 8. father in faith; father of Isaac
- 11. leads people into the promise land
- 12. put on the earth to save the Israelites; he is like Hercules
- 14. first people eve was created form Adams ri
- 16. showed his God was real; God brought fire to his altar
- 17. he buried the dead
- 19. he married a prostitute