Bible Quiz Puzzle - Haggai

  1. 4. What emotion did Haggai say the people should have towards the Lord, acknowledging His power and authority over their lives?
  2. 6. What promise did Haggai offer to the people, assuring them that God would bless and prosper them if they obeyed His commands?
  3. 8. What quality did Haggai emphasize, as he urged the people to obey God's commands and prioritize His work above their own desires?
  4. 10. What blessing did Haggai say the Lord would withhold if the people continued to neglect their duty to rebuild the temple?
  5. 11. What did Haggai say belongs to the Lord, emphasizing His ownership and sovereignty over all things?
  6. 12. _________ answers and questions cove
  7. 15. What did Haggai say would fill the temple once it was rebuilt, symbolizing God's presence and blessing upon His people?
  8. 16. What structure did Haggai encourage the people to rebuild, as a symbol of their commitment to God and His covenant?
  1. 1. Who was the governor of Judah during the time of Haggai, responsible for leading the efforts to rebuild the temple?
  2. 2. Who was the prophet known for urging the people of Judah to rebuild the temple, as recorded in the Book of Haggai?
  3. 3. What did Haggai say the Lord would make of the people of Judah, as they repented and returned to Him in obedience?
  4. 5. What did Haggai say the Lord would fulfill, as He encouraged the people to trust in His faithfulness and provision?
  5. 7. What did Haggai encourage the people to do, as they witnessed the progress in rebuilding the temple and experienced God's favor?
  6. 9. What action did Haggai urge the people to do, as they were neglecting their responsibility to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem?
  7. 13. _________ Priest Who was the religious leader of Judah during the time of Haggai, responsible for overseeing the worship and rituals in the temple?
  8. 14. What material did Haggai use as a metaphor for the hardness of the people's hearts, as they neglected to prioritize the rebuilding of the temple?