Bible Quiz Puzzle - Zechariah

  1. 3. What object did Zechariah say would be opened for the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, symbolizing cleansing and forgiveness from sin?
  2. 4. What religious celebration did Zechariah prophesy would be observed by all nations in Jerusalem, as they worshiped the Lord together?
  3. 7. What city did Zechariah focus on, prophesying about its future glory and the return of the Lord to dwell among His people?
  4. 10. What metaphor did Zechariah use to describe the Messiah, emphasizing His role as a righteous ruler and a descendant of David?
  5. 11. What attribute of God did Zechariah emphasize, as the Lord promised to be faithful and fulfill His promises to His people?
  6. 12. What term did Zechariah use to refer to Jerusalem, emphasizing its significance as the dwelling place of God and the center of His kingdom?
  7. 13. What role did Zechariah say the Messiah would fulfill, as He would care for His people like a shepherd tends to his flock?
  8. 14. What emotion did Zechariah say would characterize the future restoration of Jerusalem, as the people celebrated God's faithfulness and deliverance?
  1. 1. What role did Zechariah say the Messiah would fulfill, as He would come to rule over all the earth and establish His kingdom?
  2. 2. What object did the people of Jerusalem wave as they welcomed the Messiah into the city, symbolizing victory and triumph?
  3. 3. What religious observance did Zechariah say the people should turn from, as they sought to please God with sincerity and justice instead?
  4. 5. What messenger did Zechariah see in his visions, bringing messages of encouragement and revelation from God?
  5. 6. Who was the prophet known for his visions and prophecies about the future restoration of Jerusalem and the coming of the Messiah?
  6. 8. What instrument of judgment did Zechariah warn would come upon the enemies of Judah, as the Lord would fight for His people?
  7. 9. What event did Zechariah say the Lord would deliver His people from, as they returned to their homeland after years of exile in Babylon?