Bible Study 2

  1. 2. Love does not backbite hold grudge
  2. 5. Who shall we Love
  3. 7. It can move mountains
  4. 8. Highest form of Christian Love
  5. 10. Love suffering without becoming anxious
  6. 12. Love always cares for always supports
  7. 14. Who Shall we love
  8. 16. Love always hopes has confidence
  9. 17. More powerful than Faith
  10. 18. Love does not keep count of
  11. 21. Love is charitable considerate kindhearted
  1. 1. Love doesn't do this easily
  2. 3. Type of expectation Hope is
  3. 4. Loves always endures marches on
  4. 6. I can do all things in
  5. 9. Who we should love is this
  6. 11. Love is not this Love opposite is Humble
  7. 13. Type of expectation Faith is
  8. 15. Faith is the Assurance of things ___For
  9. 19. Love is not impolite vulgar surly abusive
  10. 20. Who Shall we Love