Bible Stuff

  1. 2. Tells the story of a man swallowed by a fish
  2. 3. Wrote most of the New Testament and name of Third Gospel
  3. 6. Smartest man in the Bible
  4. 8. Paul's longest letter
  5. 9. This woman saves her people from Genocide
  6. 13. Shortest of Paul's Letters
  7. 14. No one knows who wrote it
  8. 15. Tells the story of the conquest of Canaan
  9. 16. What animal deceived Eve
  1. 1. Tells the story of a man in a lions den
  2. 4. Tells the Story of Moses
  3. 5. Who conquered the Northern Kingdom
  4. 7. Who conquered the Southern Kingdom
  5. 10. Tells the story of a faithful woman who is David's ancestor
  6. 11. Last book of the Bible
  7. 12. First Book of the Bible
  8. 13. Song book
  9. 15. Who wrote the last book of the Bible