Bible Trivia

  1. 2. How many books in the New Testament?
  2. 3. Jacob had ____ sons and a daughter?
  3. 5. ______ and Goliath.
  4. 6. Who wrote the book of Revelation?
  5. 8. Sarah's first name.
  6. 10. Last book of the Old Testament.
  7. 11. First book of the Bible.
  8. 12. Who had great strength?
  9. 15. Tax Collector.
  10. 16. Paul's first name.
  1. 1. Jesus' cousin.
  2. 3. How many books in the Old Testament?
  3. 4. Tribe that Jesus is from.
  4. 6. Who got swallowed by a great fish?
  5. 7. Who wrote the book of Romans?
  6. 9. Samuel's mother.
  7. 10. ____ parted the Red Sea.
  8. 13. Abraham's first name.
  9. 14. How many books of the Bible?