Bible verses about love (ESV)

  1. 1. love does no Romans 13:10
  2. 7. Above all, keep loving one another 1 Pet 4:8
  3. 8. love one 1 John 3:11
  4. 9. We love because He loved us. 1 John 4:19
  5. 11. in love. Eph 5:2
  6. 13. God is rich in this Ephesians 2:4
  7. 14. love one another with brotherly Rom 12:10
  8. 15. the steadfast love of God will never Lam 3:22
  9. 16. If you love one another you the law. Rom 13:8
  10. 18. What kind of love needs to continue? Her 13:1
  11. 19. God loved us and sent His 1 John 4:10
  12. 21. love your as yourself. Mark 12:31
  13. 22. We are this in God's eyes Isaiah 43:4
  14. 23. May you in love for one another 1 Thess 3:12
  15. 24. Above all, keep loving one another Rom 12:9
  1. 2. If I have not love I am 1 Cor 13:2
  2. 3. love your wives,as Christ loved the Eph 5:25
  3. 4. God's love is in us. 1 John 4:12
  4. 5. there is no in love 1 Jn 4:18
  5. 6. ...hear in the morning your love Psalm 143:8
  6. 10. love God with all of your Mark 12:20
  7. 12. love your Matt 5:44
  8. 16. See what kind of the love the has for us.1JN 3:1
  9. 17. In God's eyes you are Isaiah 43:4
  10. 20. what can separate you from God's love? Rom 8:38-39
  11. 22. God gave us the spirit of 2 Timothy 1:17