
  1. 2. Gregory started the evangelism in this country.
  2. 6. The religion that believes that believe in God' and Jesus resurrection
  3. 7. died in 604
  4. 8. The era from about 500 to 1500
  5. 9. The pope from 590 to 604
  6. 10. Justintinian allowed these teachings
  7. 11. Emperor from 527 to 565
  8. 13. Justintinian promoted this form of christianity
  9. 15. Archbishop of Canterbury
  10. 17. This position eventually became pope
  11. 18. Pope from 440 to 461
  1. 1. The belief in no God and are usually sinners
  2. 3. One of _______s missions was to convert pagans to Catholicism
  3. 4. Gregory was put into leadership as pope after a _____ year monastic career
  4. 5. The _____ church continued to consolidate power in Rome
  5. 6. Referred to as the "New Rome"
  6. 12. The first ______ of Constantinople happened in 381
  7. 14. Justintinian expanded the borders with his very strong ________
  8. 15. Hagia Sophia was a massive _____ in Constantinople
  9. 16. The belief that there is a God but also praises St.Mary