
  1. 2. a Minor Prophet of the 7th century b.c.
  2. 4. one of the 12 personal followers of Christ
  3. 6. an excavation in earth or rock for the burial of a corpse
  4. 7. the act of crucifying.
  5. 10. morally right or justifiable
  6. 13. a chief or principal angel; in medieval angelology one of the nine orders of celestial attendants on God.
  7. 15. a god or goddess.
  8. 16. name of God in the Old Testament, a rendering of the ineffable name, JHVH, in the Hebrew Scriptures.
  9. 18. the act of saving or protecting from harm, risk, loss, destruction, etc.
  10. 20. any of the Ten Commandments.
  11. 21. the Christian religion, including the Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox churches.
  12. 24. reconciliation; agreement
  1. 1. of or relating to a prophet
  2. 3. any expected deliverer
  3. 5. a porch or vestibule, often on the ground floor of a tower, at the entrance of some English churches.
  4. 6. a will, especially one that relates to the disposition of one's personal property.
  5. 8. the action or fact of resurrecting or being resurrected:
  6. 9. almighty or infinite in power, as God
  7. 11. any place or house of worship, especially one designed for a large congregation.
  8. 12. a title of God, especially of Christ
  9. 14. an act or instance of judging.
  10. 17. an elevated place or structure, as a mound or platform, at which religious rites are performed or on which sacrifices are offered to gods, ancestors, etc.
  11. 19. the holy city of the Jews, sacred also to Christians and Muslims, lying in the Judaean hills about 20 miles (32 km) from the River Jordan; pop. 763,600 (est. 2008).
  12. 22. a town in NW Jordan, near Jerusalem; occupied by Israel since 1967: birthplace of Jesus and David.
  13. 23. infinite or unending time