Biblical Books & Truth

  1. 2. A gospel that is professed to the Gentiles
  2. 5. A book that represents the wisdom of Solomon
  3. 6. A book that contains songs of joy and despair
  4. 7. In what book does Jesus appear to his disciples who don't recognize him?
  5. 9. A book about mourning
  6. 12. In what book does God allow Satan to test a person to show his faith?
  7. 15. In what book does a queen rescue her people (the Jews) from certain death?
  8. 16. In what book does the main character show full faith in God, despite the circumstance?
  9. 17. In what book did the namesake intentionally lie about their situation to avoid visiting Nineveh?
  10. 18. In what book does God save people from lions and furnaces?
  11. 19. A book that has a prophecy about Jesus' birth
  12. 21. In what book did God reveal all people's uniqueness?
  1. 1. A book that contradicts the location it is written in (hint: joy)
  2. 3. In what book did God rescue the Israelites from slavery in Egypt?
  3. 4. A book that reveals God's salavation, but also the destruction of the world
  4. 8. In what book did God appear before Elijah in a whisper (no number)
  5. 10. In what book does Jesus say who he is on Mt. Sinai? (Sermon on the ____)
  6. 11. In what book does the "parting of the Red Sea" happen again?
  7. 13. A book that mentions multiple important Old Testament events and people (hint: New Testament)
  8. 14. In what book does God give a myriad of leaders for the Israelites?
  9. 20. A book where God gave the Holy Spirit through fire