Big Bang Theory Tv Show

  1. 2. Sheldon's catchphrase
  2. 5. who dated bert for his money after he won the mcarthur grant money
  3. 9. what friend lives with howard and bernadette
  4. 13. who climbed out of a bthroom window to escape a date from raj
  5. 14. who wanted to hook up with raj in a cemetary
  6. 15. bernadette and howards childrens names
  7. 17. what state is sheldon from
  8. 18. who dresses up as cinderella when the girls go to disney
  9. 22. What day do sheldon and amy get intimate
  1. 1. game the group would play about raj, his dog, and his new girlfriend
  2. 3. what book does sheldon wake up with after a drunken night
  3. 4. what board game do the guys always play
  4. 6. name of leonards mother
  5. 7. where did penny work at when she first moved from nebraska
  6. 8. how many seasons of the BBT are there
  7. 10. what invention does howard get stuck on himself and has to go to the hospital for
  8. 11. sheldons internet show
  9. 12. university that group works at
  10. 16. what does sheldon call his grandma
  11. 19. game sheldon invented and often beats leonard at
  12. 20. who is howards overbearing mother
  13. 21. who dated a man with a british accent