- 1. A word commonly used for itself on the internet.
- 2. To defend with object(s).
- 5. The opposite of new.
- 6. A cold summer treat.
- 8. What this is
- 11. The room where you sleep.
- 14. Waiting to load.
- 15. An international conflict
- 18. Change
- 20. A stand supporting a ball.
- 22. A modern phone.
- 23. Once ____ a time
- 26. The glow from Uranium.
- 30. A chimpanzee.
- 33. Not costing money.
- 34. A pointer
- 37. Look at
- 40. A circular food with a hole in it.
- 41. A black & white animal.
- 42. Plants grow on it.
- 43. Modified so you have a small chance of winning.
- 47. The adjective for "nation".
- 48. A valuable yellow metal.
- 49. The color of space.
- 50. The sound of a horn or angry goose
- 51. The hit game that inspired Terraria.
- 52. A strong material made with iron and carbon.
- 53. Hot cross ____
- 1. The place hotels put their mints.
- 3. To store something for yourself.
- 4. See-through
- 7. A term used to describe a type of free premium.
- 9. Google ______
- 10. An air vehicle on water
- 12. The opposite of the moon.
- 13. What Sally sells by the seashore.
- 16. A chip not meant for eating.
- 17. _____'s license
- 19. A common pet
- 21. A bright element.
- 24. A crossword is a ______ game.
- 25. ___ and arrow.
- 27. A fake name.
- 28. The number after nine.
- 29. Fast, speedy
- 31. New ____ City
- 32. Not public
- 35. World Wide ___
- 36. The enemy of Batman.
- 38. The potato state
- 39. A small red bug.
- 42. A piece of clothing above your shorts.
- 44. A word used to connect sentences.
- 45. A circle machine that goes tick.
- 46. Not valuable
- 49. A building on the farm.