Big History (Activity: Crossword)

  1. 3. A type of atom that requires more heat.
  2. 4. A massive explosion and death of a star
  3. 5. These elements remained closer to sun and formed the rocky planets.
  4. 6. The process of planet formation involves these 3 forces
  5. 7. All elements got concentrated in planet like Earth because of the formation of ______.
  6. 10. The process of planet formation involves these 3 forces.
  7. 13. This was formed when a large object crashed into Earth, sending a huge chunk of debris into orbit.
  8. 15. Planets are formed through this process.
  9. 16. These elements comprises 2% of the remaining and about 90% of the Earth is made up of these.
  10. 19. The process of planet formation involves these 3 forces
  11. 20. an element that is heavy, highly stable and cannot be fused further
  1. 1. A rotating disk of dense gas and matter surrounding a newly formed star.
  2. 2. planets are more complex than stars because they have a more ____________.
  3. 8. These elements were pushed far from the sun and led to the formation of gas planets.
  4. 9. Planet orbiting around a star other than our sun.
  5. 11. It can be large and made of gasses or smaller and be rocky.
  6. 12. The 2 elements that comprises 98% of the universe.
  7. 14. It is the separation of elements.
  8. 17. The 2 elements that comprises 98% of the universe.
  9. 18. It was formed about 4.5 Billion years ago.