  1. 3. Conditions, scientist and Big historians uses this term to describe the condition of planets and universe.
  2. 7. Brought together individually (Hydrogen and Helium) atoms to form gas cloud.
  3. 9. They burned at incredible levels, when cranked to the extreme, they will eventually consume all hydrogen then dies/explode.
  4. 11. this orbits around the earth, some planets have multiple of this, it is not a not a sun nor planets.
  5. 13. Disk, is a rotating disk of dense gas and matter surrounding a newly formed star.
  6. 15. this atom/ chemical element burns for 6 months.
  7. 16. the collision of atoms that clumps together forming into asteriods and eventually planets.
  1. 1. large clouds of dust and gas remain in the after math of the stars, these begins to pull and clump together forming into ___________.
  2. 2. System, this consist of a medium-size star (Sun) and revolving planets.
  3. 4. this is one of the planets that mainly consist of H (Hydrogen) & He (Helium).
  4. 5. this atom/ chemical element burns for only one (1) day
  5. 6. Disk, The nebula's material that the sun didn't absorb whirled around it to form a flat disk of gas and dust.
  6. 8. Is a planet orbiting around a star other than our Sun.
  7. 9. hundred, it is the burning of carbon that takes for (numbers) years.
  8. 10. a massive explosion in the universe and the death of a dying star.
  9. 11. The first four inner planets whose closest to the Sun.
  10. 12. 11 times the size in (diameter) of Earth nad more than twice as big as all the other planets combined.
  11. 14. and Hydrogen, the first 2 chemical elements that can be found in the universe, these are two types of atomic matter that can be find throughout the universe