Big Minds Crossword

  1. 1. Lake huge storage repository keeping data in native format
  2. 5. Thrift facebook restricted me to communicate through 01 01 01 00 01
  3. 6. AI for math, statistical , machine learning and analysis run time software for Hadoop
  4. 11. my job is to take goods on and off ships
  5. 12. computing framework to move cloud computing closer to user location.
  6. 13. term to check data integrity and validity
  7. 15. rides hadoop and mines data
  8. 17. base library of all search engine
  9. 18. in memory off heap solution for flash
  10. 19. Process of putting multiple signals on a wire simultaneously.
  11. 21. Dataflow use my pipeline and scream i'm feeling lucky today.
  12. 22. 3*3*3 multidimensional data analysis concept in impetus
  13. 26. framework to analyse history and current affair
  14. 27. analyzing all events and acting on them when necessary in real time.
  15. 28. tool or library for hive interactive query.
  1. 2. toolkit for content analysis
  2. 3. a keeper of a park, forest, or area of countryside
  3. 4. build impressive scene for your business intelligence
  4. 6. a graphical display where data is grouped in ranges and displayed as bars
  5. 7. Retaining data even if there is a break in the power supply is called ______ memory.
  6. 8. Analysis Data analysis related to places
  7. 9. centralized registry ,configuration and coordinator
  8. 10. External networks or devices are connected to the computer using _________
  9. 14. document database which supports group by and table joins.
  10. 16. out of pattern data within given set
  11. 20. events and logs management tool
  12. 23. the middle number in a set of numbers that are listed in order
  13. 24. query wrapper over a column family storage in hadoop
  14. 25. human language and computers communication field