- 2. Largest forest state in India(Use abbreviation)
- 3. Largest City in terms of Population
- 6. Rainiest Place in the World
- 8. Longest river of the south India
- 10. Longest tributary river of India
- 12. Longest River
- 13. Highest Mountain Peak in the World
- 14. Longest Canal in World
- 15. Longest Railway Platform
- 16. State with longest coastline in India
- 18. Largest River(deepest) in the World
- 19. Longest Railway
- 20. Longest Dam in India
- 21. Largest Delta
- 24. Busiest Port of world
- 1. Biggest Planet
- 4. Largest Diamond mine of world
- 5. Highest Gallantry Award in India
- 7. Highest Capital City of world
- 9. Biggest Country(Area) in the World
- 11. Driest Place in the World(DESERT)
- 17. Highest Battle field in India
- 19. Largest Dam
- 22. Deepest Lake
- 23. Deepest Ocean