Biggest, Highest, Largest, Longest & Deepest

  1. 2. Largest forest state in India(Use abbreviation)
  2. 3. Largest City in terms of Population
  3. 6. Rainiest Place in the World
  4. 8. Longest river of the south India
  5. 10. Longest tributary river of India
  6. 12. Longest River
  7. 13. Highest Mountain Peak in the World
  8. 14. Longest Canal in World
  9. 15. Longest Railway Platform
  10. 16. State with longest coastline in India
  11. 18. Largest River(deepest) in the World
  12. 19. Longest Railway
  13. 20. Longest Dam in India
  14. 21. Largest Delta
  15. 24. Busiest Port of world
  1. 1. Biggest Planet
  2. 4. Largest Diamond mine of world
  3. 5. Highest Gallantry Award in India
  4. 7. Highest Capital City of world
  5. 9. Biggest Country(Area) in the World
  6. 11. Driest Place in the World(DESERT)
  7. 17. Highest Battle field in India
  8. 19. Largest Dam
  9. 22. Deepest Lake
  10. 23. Deepest Ocean