Bill of Rights

  1. 3. how many amendments are there
  2. 5. ____ is needed to search personal property
  3. 9. amendment stopping trooping from housing w/o consent
  4. 10. all powers not given directly to federal government goes to the states
  5. 12. police can't search and
  6. 13. sixth amendment is in regards to criminal____
  7. 14. if you are the defendant you have the right to a
  8. 15. what month was the bill of rights added to constitution
  1. 1. you can have a trial by ______
  2. 2. the eighth amendment protects from cruel and unusual _______
  3. 4. unenumerated rights is under what amendment
  4. 6. we have the right to bear _____
  5. 7. first amendment declares a person's _______
  6. 8. the fifth amendment protects us from double
  7. 11. the amendment that allows us to speak our minds