Bill of Rights Cross Word

  1. 1. The 10th amendment states Any ______ not listed in the constitution do not belong to the federal government instead they belong to the state
  2. 3. Purposely lying to destroy someone's reputation
  3. 5. an allegation that something denies some legal right
  4. 11. go against, as of rules and laws
  5. 13. legal proceeding against a defendant for criminal behavior
  6. 14. The 6th Amendment states that you have the right to a ______ trial
  7. 15. The 8th Amendment states the the punishment must fit the _______
  8. 16. The 2nd amendment stated you have the right to own guns or bear ______
  9. 17. keep in safety and protect from harm, loss, or destruction
  10. 18. something that provides direction or advice
  1. 2. The first amendment states you can Practice your own _______
  2. 4. a solemn declaration serving the same purpose as an oath
  3. 6. an assertion that someone is guilty of a fault or offence
  4. 7. Double ______ meant that you can may not be tried twice for the same crime
  5. 8. to stop or prevent something
  6. 9. make sense of; assign a meaning to
  7. 10. The 9th amendment states that any rights not listed in the constitution belong to the _______ government instead they belong to the people
  8. 12. personal freedom from servitude or confinement or oppression
  9. 13. The first amendment states you can peacefully _________
  10. 14. The 4th Amendment Protects you from unreasonable ________ and seizures