- 3. What the Bill of Rights was written on
- 5. Makes a change
- 9. Individuals who fought for the Constitution
- 10. Chief Executive
- 14. Opposite of slavery
- 15. First to rule
- 16. Congress, Senate, and Supreme Court
- 17. Used to write with
- 19. What our Founding Fathers wore
- 20. An agreement between countries or states
- 21. Another word for a law
- 1. Opposite to the Senate
- 2. Where the President stays
- 4. Louisiana Purchase
- 6. Used with cannon balls
- 7. Fights for what is right
- 8. United States
- 11. Writer of the Bill of Rights
- 12. Supreme law of the United States
- 13. Flintlock
- 18. Someone sent to a convention to represent a state