Bill of Rights - The First 10 Amendments

  1. 1. the right to practice any religion of your choice.
  2. 5. The right to a fair and speedy trial.
  3. 6. A person judged not guilty cannot be put on trial again for the same crime.
  4. 7. any power not delegated to the federal government is reserved to the states.
  5. 8. the right to the steps in a criminal proceeding.
  6. 11. freedom of speech, religion, press, petition, and assembly.
  7. 15. Rights that must be read when questioned and taken into custody.
  8. 17. Juries must be fair and ...
  9. 18. The accused has a the right to a ___ under the 6th Amendment.
  10. 20. Prohibits the government from establishing an official religion.
  11. 21. determines if there is enough evidence to convict someone and put on trial.
  12. 22. No quartering of soldiers.
  13. 24. officers must have in order to obtain a search warrant from a judge.
  14. 27. the rights of the accused.
  1. 2. right to take away private property for public use.
  2. 3. banning printed materials or films merely because they contain alarming or offensive ideas
  3. 4. Under the 5th Amendment, the accused may choose to not testify against themselves. This is also know as protection form ...
  4. 5. the right to keep and bear arms and to have a well regulated militia.
  5. 9. The process of one party suing another party.
  6. 10. The first 10 Amendments of the Constitution.
  7. 12. a person judged not guilty cannot be put on trial again for the same crime.
  8. 13. harming a person's reputation by printing lies about him or her
  9. 14. sum of money used as a security deposit to allow an accused person to remain free until the trial.
  10. 16. The right to a jury in a civil suit over the amount of $20.
  11. 19. No cruel and unusual punishment.
  12. 23. allows police to search a suspect's home or business
  13. 25. The people have more rights than what is just listed in the Bill of Rights
  14. 26. Lies that are spoken to hurt or harm someone.