BIO 201 Respiratory System II

  1. 4. portion of lung that rests on diaphragm
  2. 7. segments, 10 in right & 8 to 10 in left, that is supplied by individual tertiary bronchus & branch of pulmonary artery & vein
  3. 9. branching of bronchioles that are the last portion of conduction portion of respiratory system
  4. 10. fissure that divides lung into superior, middle, & inferior
  5. 13. decreases surface tension with alveolus & prevents collapse of alveoli
  6. 14. indentation made by heart in medial surface of left lung
  7. 16. branching of respiratory bronchioles
  8. 18. circulation that conducts blood to & from gas exchange surface of lungs
  9. 19. branching of terminal bronchioles
  10. 20. alveolar cells of simple squamous epithelial cells that promote rapid diffusion of gases
  11. 21. concave region of lung housed on mediastinal surface where bronchi, pulmonary & lymphatic vessels, & nerves pass
  12. 22. all structures within hilum of lung
  1. 1. circulation that is a component of systemic circulation delivering blood directly to & from bronchi & bronchioles
  2. 2. anterior indented region of left lung
  3. 3. smaller lung sue to heart, two lobes separated by oblique fissure
  4. 5. alveolar cells of almost cuboidal shape that produce pulmonary surfactant
  5. 6. contraction of smooth muscle resulting in narrowing of bronchioles
  6. 8. fissure that divides lung into superior & inferior lobes
  7. 11. three lobes of lung separated by horizontal & oblique fissures
  8. 12. relaxation of smooth muscle results in widening of bronchioles
  9. 15. small saccular outpocketing where alveolar ducts end, where respiratory gases diffuse between blood & air in lungs
  10. 17. projection of lung slightly superior & posterior to clavicle