Bio Review, Week 1

  1. 3. The _____ variable is the outcome of an experiment, or what is measured
  2. 5. _____ are provable, while scientific theories are not.
  3. 9. The _____ variable is what "I" test in an experiment
  4. 10. If you see something happen the same way 99 times out of 99, you come to a _____ that something is the way it is.
  5. 11. Something that remains the same no matter how many times you repeat an experiment
  6. 13. True or False? Every hypothesis that is tested is proven true.
  7. 14. Scientific theories are robust because they are based on large amounts of _____
  8. 15. Set of moral principles/values that guide decisions made in science
  9. 16. The _____ group is used for the purposes of comparison
  1. 1. Scientists aim to avoid _____ in their work.
  2. 2. "Fake" science
  3. 4. The _____ group is the group that receives the independent variable (is "experimented on").
  4. 6. Scientific laws & theories change over time as new _____ comes to light.
  5. 7. The study of the natural world.
  6. 8. One aspect of scientific inquiry is that hypotheses are _____
  7. 12. A well-tested explanation (ex. evolution, or plate tectonics)