  1. 4. Building Block for Nucleic Acid
  2. 8. Molecular unit of Currency
  3. 9. Enzyme involved in the first rxn of glycolysis
  4. 10. KI is known as the ________ constant
  5. 12. Reductionist science
  6. 13. Type of binding that increases affinity for another site
  7. 14. Type of inhibition where Km(app) increases
  8. 15. Amino Acids are building blocks for ____
  9. 17. Rxn that requires energy to proceed
  10. 18. Enzyme that allows lipids to equilibriate
  11. 19. Redox portion that loses an e-
  1. 1. Type of fatty acid that has 1/more double bonds between carbons
  2. 2. O2 delivery protein
  3. 3. Type of bond that shares e-
  4. 5. Metabolic pathway that breaks down molecules into smaller units
  5. 6. Spontaneously forming spherical lipid layer
  6. 7. Metabolic pathway that generates glucose
  7. 11. Only A.A. that is not L-A.A.
  8. 14. Molecule that helps keep membrane fluidity
  9. 16. Level of 2D arrangement of protein