- 4. Building Block for Nucleic Acid
- 8. Molecular unit of Currency
- 9. Enzyme involved in the first rxn of glycolysis
- 10. KI is known as the ________ constant
- 12. Reductionist science
- 13. Type of binding that increases affinity for another site
- 14. Type of inhibition where Km(app) increases
- 15. Amino Acids are building blocks for ____
- 17. Rxn that requires energy to proceed
- 18. Enzyme that allows lipids to equilibriate
- 19. Redox portion that loses an e-
- 1. Type of fatty acid that has 1/more double bonds between carbons
- 2. O2 delivery protein
- 3. Type of bond that shares e-
- 5. Metabolic pathway that breaks down molecules into smaller units
- 6. Spontaneously forming spherical lipid layer
- 7. Metabolic pathway that generates glucose
- 11. Only A.A. that is not L-A.A.
- 14. Molecule that helps keep membrane fluidity
- 16. Level of 2D arrangement of protein