
  1. 3. Gigantic fishing nets and long lines of hooks catch non target species, which are thrown overboard dead. These species are called_______.
  2. 5. Habitat _________: Large, continuous area of habitat is reduced in area and divided into smaller, more scattered, and isolated “habitat islands”; includes roads, logging, agriculture, urban development
  3. 6. A stand of trees resulting from natural secondary ecological succession.
  4. 8. Surface fires that go underground and burn partially decayed leaves or peat.
  5. 10. Rivers or segments of rivers that are readily accessible by road and may have some dams or developments along their shores
  6. 12. Deliberately Introduced Species that can wipe out some native species, disrupt ecosystems, and cause large economic losses
  7. 14. This allows destruction of existing wetlands as long as an equal area of the same type of wetland is created or restored.
  8. 16. Clear-cutting a strip of trees along the contour of the land, with the corridor narrow enough to allow regeneration within a few years. After regeneration, loggers can cut another strip above the first, and so on.
  9. 17. Rivers or segments of rivers that are relatively inaccessible and untamed and are not permitted to be widened or dammed
  10. 18. Burn only undergrowth and leaf filter on the forest floor.
  1. 1. Removing all tree species.
  2. 2. abbreviation for most important causes of premature extinction
  3. 4. Overfishing leads to ________ _________, which occurs when it is no longer profitable to continue fishing the affected species.
  4. 7. Also called Gene banks; preserve genetic information and endangered plant species by storing their seeds in refrigerated, low-humidity environments
  5. 9. Mature trees in an uneven-aged forest are cut singly or in small groups.
  6. 11. Rivers or segments of rivers that are free of dams, mostly undeveloped, accessible in only a few places Old growth forest/ An uncut or regenerated forest that has not been seriously disturbed by any humans or natural disasters for at least several hundred years.
  7. 13. type that is found nowhere else on earth; is especially vulnerable to extinction
  8. 15. Extremely hot fires that may start on the ground but eventually burn whole trees and leap from treetop to treetop.