BIOL 113 Chapter 01 Crossword

  1. 1. The level at which a given parameter (e.g. temperature) is maintained by the body
  2. 7. The body's response to a stimulus/disturbance is to move that parameter (e.g. pH) in the opposite direction
  3. 10. Component of a biological control system which monitors the current level of the parameter (e.g. blood glucose)
  4. 11. The study of how the parts of the body function
  5. 12. System which transports blood throughout body
  6. 14. Plane which divides the body into front and back halves
  7. 18. System which covers the body (skin, nails, etc.)
  8. 19. Electrical Communication system in the body
  1. 1. System which gives body its frame and levers for movement
  2. 2. Cavity where you would find the lungs
  3. 3. Cavity where you would find the central nervous system
  4. 4. Component of a biological control system which acts to reverse the disturbance
  5. 5. Upright, arms at side, palms forward describes ________________
  6. 6. System which allows for gases to exchange between the environment and the blood
  7. 8. System utilizing bloodborne chemical messengers
  8. 9. System which allows for foodstuffs to be broken down and absorbed into the body
  9. 13. The study of the structures of the body
  10. 15. The body's effort to maintain a stable internal environment
  11. 16. Plane which divides the body into upper and lower halves
  12. 17. Plane which divides the body into right and left halves