Biological Natural Sciences

  1. 1. To get onto the second year, you need to do this in your 1st year exams.
  2. 4. A 1B course. ______sciences
  3. 6. The second word in the first question of Section 1 of the 2020 Admissions Assessment.
  4. 9. The author of a textbook that is recommended reading before starting the Evolution and Behaviour course.
  5. 10. The Museum of Earth Sciences.
  6. 12. Museum of the History of Science..
  7. 15. A Part II course.
  8. 17. 1A Evolution and _________
  9. 19. A-Level Biology is Highly desirable for this course. Biology of_______
  10. 20. Keyword. Rearrange 2(1), 5(5), 6(3), 8(1), 9(5), 11(5), 14(1), 15(3), 18(4), 21(4), 22(1), 17(3)
  11. 21. The total number of questions that you must answer in the Admissions Assessment.
  12. 22. You will probably find that supervisions are useful and _________
  13. 24. Use this to find more course information.
  14. 25. These are classified as optional course costs.
  1. 2. A famous broadcaster and ex-Cambridge Natural scientist.
  2. 3. Can be done as Part III course.
  3. 5. The 1B Subject most useful for studying Covid-19.
  4. 7. In the first year, you will normally have around 80 of these.
  5. 8. The fourth transferable skill.
  6. 11. Our course enables you to discover these.
  7. 13. Resource: Mathematical conundrums with a biological twist.
  8. 14. In the third or fourth year, you will probably do a research project or__________
  9. 16. These skills are greatly in demand by employers across all sectors.
  10. 18. The first word in the first question of Section 2 of the 2020 Admissions Assessment.
  11. 23. The average proportion of correct answers scored by typic applicants in the admissions assessment.