Biological oxidation 3

  1. 5. Ball and stick appearance of ATP synthase said to resemble this sweet (8)
  2. 9. The theory that explains energy generation in ETC. (12)
  3. 10. Mutation in mt-DNA gnes for complex I leads to obliteration of optic nerve (Abbr) (4)
  4. 11. Number of protons pumped out by complex II (4)
  5. 13. Antidote used in cyanide poisoning (8)
  6. 15. Other than energy, the final product of the ETC. (5)
  7. 16. Number of polypetides forming the head part of ATP synthase (4)
  8. 17. The cycle that produces maximum reducing equivalents (6,4)
  9. 18. TCA cycle enzyme which also forms a part of ETC produces this (8)
  1. 1. Carbohydrate oxidation pathway not linked to energy generation (Abbr) (3)
  2. 2. Carbohydrate oxidation pathway linked to energy generation (10)
  3. 3. Vitamin whose both co-enzyme forms associated with ETC
  4. 4. Causes potassium translocation through the enzyme synthesizing chemical energy (11)
  5. 6. Enzymes involved in Biological oxidations involve the class. (plural) (15)
  6. 7. Competitive inhibitor of Complex II (8)
  7. 8. Extensive folding on the cell powerhouse inner membrane (7)
  8. 12. Vitamin whose only one co-enzyme form enters ETC
  9. 14. Glycerol-3Phosphate shuttle active more active here. (5)
  10. 19. synthase Boyer’s binding hypothesis is applicable to the enzyme? (3,8)