Biology 1100 Prokaryotes

  1. 1. moving toward or away from light
  2. 4. a decomposer which absorbs nutrients from dead organic matter
  3. 6. a methagen-producing bacterium
  4. 11. getting energy from the sun and nutrients from ingestion of food
  5. 15. an individual which absorbs nutrients from a host, harming the host in the process
  6. 16. moving toward or away from chemicals
  7. 17. a region of the bacteria containing its main strand of DNA
  8. 18. bacteria shaped like rods
  9. 20. a domain of extremophile prokaryotes
  10. 21. getting energy from chemicals and nutrients from ingested food
  11. 23. A long structure used for locomotion
  12. 24. a spore formed when bacteria run out of food or water and can last for 100 years
  1. 2. an individual who uses oxygen
  2. 3. getting energy from chemicals and nutrients from converting carbon dioxide and water to carbohydrates
  3. 5. an individual who does not use oxygen
  4. 7. An outer covering of the cell wall, preventing dessication.
  5. 8. bacteria shaped as spheres
  6. 9. getting energy from sun and nutrients from converting carbon dioxide and water to carbohydrate
  7. 10. moving toward or away from a magnetic field
  8. 12. a bacterium that loves heat
  9. 13. movement that is directed toward or away from a stimulus
  10. 14. Hairlike structures associated with bacterial adhesion
  11. 19. a bacterium that loves sale
  12. 22. One of many small circular strands of DNA