
  1. 2. Cell Plant cells are the basic unit of life in organisms
  2. 6. Where a cell can sense light
  3. 7. System breaks down food into nutrients and eliminates waste.
  4. 8. Something that is alive
  5. 10. System Takes in oxygen and removes waste.
  6. 11. Control center of the cell
  7. 12. Consisting of many cells
  8. 14. Moves in a colonies
  9. 15. How a paramecium moves
  10. 18. System Collects waste from cells and removes it from the body.
  11. 20. Any number of organized in a cell
  12. 21. Wall Plant cells outer wall.
  13. 22. Cell An animal cell is a type of cell that dominates most of the tissue cells
  14. 23. System Carries needed substances to cells, contains blood cells that fight diseases.
  1. 1. System Group of organs that work together.
  2. 3. Uses a pseudopod to grab food.
  3. 4. the process in which a plant makes
  4. 5. The powerhouse of the cell
  5. 9. Used to grab food.
  6. 13. Only has 1 cell
  7. 14. like a storage container.
  8. 16. Uses cilia to move.
  9. 17. How a volvox moves
  10. 19. Moves with a flagellum and uses an eyespot to sense sunlight.
  11. 24. any of the distinct types of material of which animals or plants are made