- 2. Cell Plant cells are the basic unit of life in organisms
- 6. Where a cell can sense light
- 7. System breaks down food into nutrients and eliminates waste.
- 8. Something that is alive
- 10. System Takes in oxygen and removes waste.
- 11. Control center of the cell
- 12. Consisting of many cells
- 14. Moves in a colonies
- 15. How a paramecium moves
- 18. System Collects waste from cells and removes it from the body.
- 20. Any number of organized in a cell
- 21. Wall Plant cells outer wall.
- 22. Cell An animal cell is a type of cell that dominates most of the tissue cells
- 23. System Carries needed substances to cells, contains blood cells that fight diseases.
- 1. System Group of organs that work together.
- 3. Uses a pseudopod to grab food.
- 4. the process in which a plant makes
- 5. The powerhouse of the cell
- 9. Used to grab food.
- 13. Only has 1 cell
- 14. like a storage container.
- 16. Uses cilia to move.
- 17. How a volvox moves
- 19. Moves with a flagellum and uses an eyespot to sense sunlight.
- 24. any of the distinct types of material of which animals or plants are made