
  1. 2. a slender threadlike structure
  2. 7. consist of one cell
  3. 9. a green single celled freshwater organism
  4. 11. a single celled animal the catches food
  5. 12. any number of organized structures within a living cell
  6. 13. an organelle found in large numbers in most cells
  7. 14. a space within the cytoplasm of the cell
  8. 16. opposite from animal cell
  9. 17. a living thing
  10. 18. system that contains heart and lungs
  11. 20. the process when plants use energy as food
  12. 21. more than one organism
  13. 23. system that digest food
  14. 24. when cells come together
  15. 25. opposite from plant cell
  16. 26. system a group of organs that work together
  1. 1. the outside layer of a cell
  2. 3. identical structure to flagella
  3. 4. surrounds the cytoplasm of the cell
  4. 5. moves by cilia
  5. 6. a system with organs
  6. 8. contains kidneys
  7. 10. include locomotion
  8. 15. similar to euglena
  9. 19. important part to the cell
  10. 22. also called stigma