- 2. cells A type of cell found within the phloem of flowering plants.
- 5. the vascular tissue responsible for the transport of sugars from source tissues
- 6. The leaves are waxy and thorny that prevents loss of water and moisture,can store water
- 8. movement of materials from leaves to other tissues
- 9. transport water from root to stem and leaves
- 10. They function in storage photosynthesis.
- 1. pathway is where water takes a route going from cell wall to cell wall, not entering the cytoplasm at any point
- 2. cells enable them to provide additional support to the areas where they are found.
- 3. allow a plant to take in carbon dioxide.
- 4. pathway where water moves between cytoplasm/vacuoles of adjacent cells.
- 7. tubes transport of carbohydrates, primarily sucrose, in the plant
- 10. cells of vascular plants is to provide support, structure, for plant